Eligible members are invited to apply for tickets for Six Nations matches at Twickenham. Eligible members are those adults who are fully paid-up voting members of the Club; please note payment of youth or mini subs does not confer voting nor ticket rights.
Please complete the accompanying form and return by email or post to Andrew Richmond as soon as possible. No payment is required at this stage. Pricing shows the approximate cost of adult and junior (under 16 on matchday) tickets.
Ticket availability has become more problematic over recent years as supply of tickets from RFU has fallen short of demand; should demand greatly exceed availability, a ballot will be conducted. The Club’s allocation of tickets amounts to 40 for both France and Scotland; no limit is currently in place for Italy. It is anticipated demand will exceed availability and thus allocation will be restricted to either France/Scotland. Accordingly, you are invited to select your preferred match. For France/Scotland, the allocation to successful applicants will not exceed two tickets.
Entry to Twickenham Stadium has become paperless; no paper tickets will be issued. All applicants will require a smart phone and the Twickenham Stadium app. The allocation process will be conducted by the Club and details forwarded to the RFU who will contact successful applicants by email, inviting them to pay for and secure tickets using the Twickenham Stadium app. Please note you will have 72 hrs from the time of email to complete your purchase. Entry to the stadium will be processed via the app on your mobile phone.
Ticket usage – The RFU has issued a lengthy document to all Clubs regarding the proper use of international tickets, the black market and the imposition of sanctions should any ticket allocated to the Club fall into the hands of speculators. The Club fully endorses the RFU approach and the following represents an extract from the terms and conditions imposed by RFU –
1. tickets allocated are for personal use only – to include family and friends
2. tickets provided must not be sold or advertised for sale by any mechanism
3. tickets should be not posted on any social media sites.
Closing date for applications – 24 August 2024; early application is encouraged. I regret due to tight RFU deadlines, late applications will not be considered. Please direct any queries on international tickets to adr400@hotmail.com.
Andrew Richmond
August 2024.